Hi.I have maybe found something wrong between the card reader SCI driver in image compatible with VU+ smartcard readers.This happens:1. I install NewCS 1.67 latest release from reposetory to OpenPLI.2.
I must also install libcrypto.so.0.9.7 (libcrypto-compat) since NewCS need it to work.3. Since NewCS require a path var/tuxbox and that path does not exist I make a symlink to tuxbox in the var folder.4. I configure NewCS.xml to my required settings.5. I insert the Card.Ok now I start newcs direct in command via Telnet and as NewCS start loading I can see on the console output that it stops and Lock.If I try to Access for example WebGUI when card is in the page hangs.
Normally the console shall say something about which type of card Conax / Viaaccess etc. But it doesn't.
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Anybody else have this problem.I used a VU+ Zero With the last build.ESI4000.